So I’ve finally decided to do the minimalist challenge. I’ve
been interested in this for a while now, having seen how great its been for
some of the people I follow. I feel like it's a good idea to do this now since I’m
going back to school in a few months and am also moving into a bigger house
with my family. I want to do the challenge to unclutter my life and my
belongings so I only surround myself with what I need and what makes me feel
Day 1
Stay offline for a whole day.
This is relatively easy for me at the moment as I feel like
my social networks are filled with negative images or people who make me feel
anxious about myself. I’m trying to surround myself with positive thoughts and
feelings during the few months leading up to uni starting again this year,
because obviously the year will be stressful enough with school work without my
social anxiety getting in the way! Getting offline helps me disconnect from everything
and I feel better when I’m not stressing about social networks.
Day 2
Meditate for 15 minutes
I decided to split up the meditation time between my morning
and night. This morning after my shower I sat for 10 minutes and listened to an
app recommended by a psychologist, Smiling Mind. This app lets you progress
through different levels of meditation which focus on different things like
breathing and sound. I found this really relaxing and made me ready for a busy
day at work. Before I go to bed I’m planning on doing some more breathing
mediation with the app to help me unwind and calm my mind so I can fall asleep
easily since I have a busy day planned for tomorrow!
You can find the 30 day minimalism challenge here.
And the smiling mind app here.
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